Republished for the Electrifying age of Information! Please study and enjoy!
Islam Moors. I am so happy to have this Journal of the Moorish Paradigm as a vehicle to deliver to you the fruits of my research. I have been blessed, not so much regarding the amount of things I have learned, but I am blessed, more so, by the profound in- sights and understanding this knowledge has given me. Because of this blessing, I find it to be my duty to share with you that information, as well as, the insights and understandings they have produced.
The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm is a work in progress, striving for perfection We are fully of aware, however that we have not reached that perfection yet. Since the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm is a work in progress, any errors or mistakes that are made in any previous issue, will be corrected it in a subsequent issue. Thus, although each issue is a complete work in and of it- self, and all of the issues of the Journal of the Moorish Paradigm should be read in order to get the fullness of it. Each issue is part of one ever growing corpus, that grows, learns, adapts, and corrects itself, over time. This “Journal” is the unfolding of a para- digm over periodical cycles of time. Thus it is ever ripening, and is ever embedding itself, within itself, like a written fractal.
Our Mission is to uplift fallen humanity through education and literature.