I’m happy to be writing and publishing the “Journal” once again. The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm will now be published monthly. It has been a while since the last issue, but it has all been for good cause. Now more than ever I realize the great value and potential of this journal. In this journal we cover many areas not discussed anywhere else in periodicals read by our peo- ple. The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm is written specifically for our people. Though there are Europeans and others who read and love the journal, they realize by the language of it that it is targeted to our people. The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm is of us, about us and for us.
At this point, I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life to the writing and publishing of this journal. I have come to the realiza- tion that this journal, and it’s spin-offs are my life calling. When- ever I am working on it and doing researching for it, the divine presence envelopes me, and grants me dreams, visions and in- sights of value for our people. I also realize that the full value of many of the things written in this journal may not be realized by this generation, but will be of incalculable value to future gen- erations. I have barely begun to publish all of the information and insights I have been blessed with, but that is exactly what the purpose of this “Journal” is.
Our Mission is to uplift fallen humanity through education and literature.