For those who are ready to take the next step in Declaring and Proclaiming their Moorish Nationality and Birthrights. In this session you will be giving instructions and concepts concerning how to complete the documents and properly file them upon having them sealed.
Instructions for Sealing for Name Correction and Judicial Proclamation.
Please Print 3 Original Copies on Legal Paper (8-81/2" by 14"), in color, signed in red ink. Be sure to update the years on the Judicial Proclamation and leave the spaces BLANK for the day and months as well as the final signature line for the Wazir.
If prompted please open in Chrome to download file and check Downloads folder within the browser.
Once you receive confirmation that your donation has been received please complete the above mentioned instructions. All completed Writs may be mailed to:
Fez Province Regency
c/o 4046 North Goldenrod Road #197
Near Winter Park, Florida Republic
[3279] Non - ObligatoryOur Mission is to uplift fallen humanity through education and literature.